Often when working with b2n sales people I get to observe the handling of objections. The best sales people are quite good in handling objections in a very positive matter – usually keeping the sales process moving in the right direction.
The less successful b2b sales people tend to display similar traits which create their less favorable results. Being able to observe these traits allows me the opportunity to help them improve their sales results by improving their handling of objections.
There appears to be seven key areas you must do correctly to advance a sales opportunity once an objection has been raised. Here is the list of the seven keys for handling objections successfully…
Seven Keys for Handling Objections Successfully
- Avoid Being Defensive
A common mistake made by inexperienced or unsuccessful b2b sales people is to become defensive about the objection – usually taking the objection as a personal affront rather than a possible business concern. Stay focused on the issue raised and begin to ask questions for clarity and understanding. Real sales professionals uncover the meaning of the objection and then decide what direction to take next. - Focus on the Customer
One of the worst mistakes is to ignore the objection and start talking about your Product or Service. Bad move if you do this even if it was taught as a sales strategy or tactic back in the 70’s and 80’s. Your primary job if you want the customer’s business is to focus on the customer first. Acknowledge the objection and then learn what is causing their reaction. - Agree with the Customer’s Opinion
The Worst Mistake is to Argue with the customer about their objection. Really? Even if you feel you are right, NEVER ARGUE WITH THE CUSTOMER. If you want to have a non-emotional dialogue with the customer, the first thing is to remove their defensiveness by agreeing with their statement. Then you can move into asking questions to gain a better understanding of the nature of the objection. The key here is to remain in rapport with the customer or prospect by agreeing with their objection initially in order to discover what caused this feeling. Then using the facts of the situation, you can turn the situation to your advantage. - Beware of Overt Enthusiasm
Look, there is a huge difference between having a positive knowing and a positive attitude. Positive knowing is about having the experience and knowledge to provide you with the confidence to handle any situation. Positive Attitudes are often over the top with unbridled enthusiasm. This overt over-the-top level of enthusiasm can be a real turn off for many customer types. And, it is usually the sign of someone attempting to fake it until they make it. Experience can be gained both on the job or using expert training/coaching/practice. - Show Interest in Solving Their Objection
Customer become interesting in people who are interested in them. This is a major game changer in the transition from good to great in sales performance. Customers are disgusted with the sales people who only focus on selling them something (needed or not) and showing a lack of little in the well-being of their success. The superstars in sales are masters at engaging the customers and showing real interest in helping the customer or prospect to improve their situation. Think about it this way – when you improve their live, they are improving your life at the same time. - Always Be Prepared
This one should be a no-brainier, however, many b2b sales people prefer to wing-it rather than being prepared for the common objections. The research and facts about objections indicate there are only about six objection categories for every sales offering. Therefore, it is your job to identify your six common objections – in advance – then develop three to six methods to counter the objection to keep the sales process moving forward. Sales Professionals have practiced these responses to the point they “find their Voice” to deliver their responses in a very smooth and professional way. The unsuccessful sales people are usually winging-it and losing the opportunity with a lack of depth and smart responses. - Take Risks only if Sale is Lost
Being Bold when you feel the sale opportunity is lost is the only time you take higher risks in your statements or position. Here you must be prepared to “walk away” from the opportunity. In my book, I call this the “two minute warning” tactic whereby you take a chance to change the outcome when you appear to be way behind your competition. The key for this to work for you is to identify some important point the customer or prospect has ignored up till this point. Raising the issue will need to get their attention in a big way. When they realize they missed this important point, you will move to the front of line due to getting their attention on this game changing point.
There you have the seven key points for winning the moment when objections are raised by your customer or prospect. The most important step you can take is to practice handling objections before you get in front of your prospects and customers. Also, since the objections for your products and services are the same for everyone on the sales team, engage everyone on the sales team for methods to handle the objections. Here’s a bonus tip – ask the high performers on your sales team about what they say and do to overcome these common objections. High performers are usually creative and experienced in handling objections in a positive way. Learn from them often.
If you need any assistance in developing a set of responses you can contact me to discuss how I can help you. Call Voss Now to gain an advantage.
Voss Graham

Voss Graham

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