I’ve been getting several questions about who should be on a Team Selling Team and How Many people can be on a Team Selling Team?
The answer is truthfully – It depends. Yes, it depends upon factors present in the b2b sales opportunity.
That answer usually gets a few eye rolls, yet, it is the true. It depends upon such things as the size of the sale, the complexity of the offer, the impact upon the buyer organization in terms of people, processes, systems and budget, and the number of functional units during implementation. And, then there are all the detail specifications to be discussed, dialogued, debated and explained before anyone will sign off on the contract.
Okay, next is the question of how do you select the players for Team Selling Team and who do they work with in the Buying Organization? To assist in this explanation it is best to have a diagram of the structure for your Team Selling Team and who they would be called upon to meet in the Buying Organization. So here is a table for you…