Guidelines for “Practicing” a Critical Sales Presentation

Had a couple of b2b sales people ask me last week about what they needed to be watching for when they practice or rehearse their upcoming sales presentation.

What a proactive questions from a combination of experienced b2b sales people?

After discussing the finer points of guidelines for practicing their important sales presentation, I realized this is something to share with you.

So, here are the Seven Guidelines for Practicing a Critical Sales Presentation…

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Sales Presentation Tips – Storytelling Voice

Okay, I know you know I’m a big believer in the questioning model of selling and therefore, the use of sales presentations is limited. However, if you must give a sales presentation, it is very important to do it well and do it right.

Below are some sales presentation tips to improve your credibility in the eyes of the decision makers listening and observing your sales presentation.

Today, I will focus primarily on one specific trait of the effective b2b sales presentation – the tonal qualities. Here are some of the most important tonal qualities…

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What To Do Before Your Sales Presentation

While most b2b sales people ask me about how to do sales presentations effectively, the smart ones are asking what to do before they get “on stage.”

Here are six tips to use before you make your sales presentations. Using all or some of these tips will make your sales presentation more successful. So, use them and let me know how they worked for you.

Here are the six tips to use before you do your sales presentation…

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B2B Sales Presentation Tips

“Can you or should you use your b2b prospect or customer’s logo in your sales presentation?”

Several times this question has come up from sales people so I thought I should share my response to help as many b2b sales people as possible.

The answer is “Yes,” you should use their logo when you are talking about a proposal to the company. However, their are a couple of additional tips to offer you as well as a couple of things to check.

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