I keep getting a question from sales executives and sales people regarding the value of having a vision. Is having a vision all that important in b2b sales?
And, the answer is a resounding “yes” if you want to be a b2b sales superstar.
So who has to have a vision and why? This is the simple part. There are two people who must have a clear vision of their future. Those two are…
- You
Yes, I’m starting with you. You need to have a vision of your future. You need to see your life style. In fact, you need to see, hear what it sounds like and even have a gut level feeling for how it will be. By using all the representational systems your own belief systems will take over and begin to create your future. This is the desired method over letting the future just show up unannounced – if you know what I mean. - Your Decision Maker Customer
Now this becomes a major element in your personal sales success. Can you assist your decision maker in creating their own vision of the future? The b2b sales superstars have a success habit of helping their customers create a vision of the future. This allows the customer to see themselves using your offering to be successful in the future or they can see the need for your offering as a solution to their current issues by recognizing the gap between where they are and where the want to be. Also, as I wrote in a previous b2b sales tip, the real decision maker is the one who can visualize the future of their organization. These people know what they will need for the future to appear – thus, they are willing to change from the status quo.
Vision is one of the most critical elements or success habits used by b2b sales superstars as well as the best leaders of organizations. Learn to help your customers and prospects see the future so they can compare what they see to what is in the current. This form of gap analysis using vision is the key indicator if a person is capable of making significant change to create the future.

Voss Graham

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