No Silver Bullets using a Unique Selling Proposition

Unique Selling Propositions – USP – are often presented as the strongest benefit for a given product or service within a targeted segment of accounts. Many sales consultations “yak” about how you must have a USP and without it you will rapidly move into the commodity sales trap.

Well, that is find and dandy if you only sell one product or service to this targeted group of accounts. The truth is often the product is not unique or different from your competition. Now that is a dilemma. If we are selling the same things, how do you separate yourself from the competition?

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Consultative Selling requires Curiosity

I have for many years stated the sales profession is the most sophisticated position in today’s business world. Therefore, the sales position requires the most sophisticated people to succeed in today’ business environments.

One trait that stands out for an effective b2b sales person is Curiosity.

Why curiosity you ask? Good question. The reason curiosity is so important is due to the changing nature of b2b sales. No longer is the memorized sales presentation effective with most buyers and decision makers. The buyers and decision makers have changed and the b2b sales person has to change to meet this new challenge.

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How to Handle Tension during Sales Negotiation

Got a question the other day about sales negotiation and what to do when the negotiation goes almost hostile? Stress and tension increase is the norm during these events.

The key is for you to remain calm and buy time to think. This is particularly true when the buyer becomes aggressive with you during the session and wants an immediate answer or for you to give in.

Here what you do while “Buying Time to Think.”

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Critical Variables Impacting the Buying Decision

Through the years of selling to major accounts and assisting my clients in selling to major accounts or as we like to say today – business to business selling (B2B sales) – I have found five major or critical variables that impact the decision to buy or not. So today’s B2B Sales Tip is about How the Buying Decision is impacted.

The buying decision is a focal point for b2b sales people; we want to know who will make the buying decision so we can move forward in the sales process. Yet, these five critical variables continue to play havoc on our knowledge of how the buying decision will be made.

So, here are the Five Critical Variables to the Buying Decision…

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Four Negative Buying Decisions

When I began to look into what buyers and decision makers actually did after I had made a sales presentation, I began to notice different types of decisions that were not the usual “yes” – we want you to start on…

Then I expanded my search for answers by observing my sales clients activities and doing some back checking after proposals or presentations were made – what was the actual decision.

After researching the actual results or decision-making process of buyers, I found four types of negative buying decisions. I want to share these four negative decision patterns with you so you can effectively prepare counters to these actions during your sales process. (That means before you make a sales presentation.)

So, here are the four negative buying decision patterns…

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Beware of the False Coach or Champion

One of the most frustrating situations in b2b sales or any kind of major account sales, is the false coach or champion. You know the ones I’m talking about – the ones who give you bad information regarding your strategy or who is the real decision maker.

This is usually a tough situation since you can be blindsided by someone you thought was helping you in the sale by providing you with excellent or good information about your prospect.

There are usually four types of False Coach or Champions you need to watch out for since they can cause poor decisions on your part. Here are the four types of False Coach or Champions…

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Simple B2B Sales Presentation

Several of you have been asking about what kind of sales presentation do I use in B2B sales or what should I focus upon during the sales presentation?

Good questions and my answer is simple.

First, don’t do a sales presentation until you have all the information you need to build a case for the customer to make a simple decision. Meaning the faster way to lose a sale is to present too early in the sales process since there is probably no value built up for your customer to feel it is good thing to change to your solution.

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Why Do We Have Competition?

The Four Factors Creating Competition

I keep getting this question from sales people I work with in coaching and training sessions… Why do we have competition?

At first I thought it was a question looking for excuses regarding dealing with competition, however, as I got the question more often and from all levels of sales performers – I figured I needed to find the answer to this question. I found four primary reasons that competition exists, so here are the results of my research…

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Key Organizing Principles for B2B Sales

In the world of B2B Sales there are two important principles – what I call Organizing Principles – you must be aware of to move into the superstar ranks of sales people.

First, what are Organizing Principles and why are they important?

Here is what Wikipedia says about Organizing Principles…

An organizing principle is a core assumption from which everything else by proximity can derive a classification or a value. It is like a central reference point that allows all other objects to be located. Having an organizing principle might help one simplify and get a handle on a particularly complicated domain. On the other hand, it might create a deceptive prism that colors one’s judgment.

In my world of b2b sales, organizing principles are the systems or measurement of systems creating a known return on my selling activities. In other words, it is the ability to hold myself accountable for the results and outcomes expected in my job. Interesting, that read like a management consultant report – sorry about that!

In simple terms, organizing principles give us a measurement showing our effectiveness in the field. Depending upon the trend line of this data, it tells us if we are doing well or need to improve our production.

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