B2B sales leaders are winners in their field of play. I sincerely believe they are playing a game they love, admire and are totally dedicated to being their best.
With that being said, what are the little things the b2b sales leaders do everyday that the other 80 to 90% fail to do?
Once you understand the qualities they have, you can make a decision to join their ranks – if you choose. This is the rub making the difference between the winners and the average to poor sales people. You make the choice to be a winner – you are not anointed by the sales manager, VP of Sales or the President of your company. You can control these essential qualities, so here they are…
- Looking like a Winner
Simply put do you dress like a winner or a hippie or a street person? Check you appearance everyday. How you dress is important to your success. Poise and mannerisms are also important – particularly when dealing with the top executives at your potential customer accounts. Finally, your attitude and the ability to smile – in order words – being a friendly person to deal with is important to the top executives. - Planning like a Winner
Winners are always thinking and plotting how their future with be created. They plan their goals, their yearly account targets, quarterly targets for each account and most importantly – they plan each call with a customer. Winging it is for the average or poor performer who is only hoping for positive results. In fact, these are the same people who believe a positive attitude will carry the day. Winners know it is Positive Knowing by planning that wins the day. - Acting like a Winner
So what do winners do in the world of Acting? They are the ones who are taking action and creating their opportunities rather than passively waiting for something to come in the door. Winners are actively executing their plans and forging ahead of their competition. Be an Action Master, working your plan, and staying calm and cool like a winner at all times. Interestingly, customers and prospects will seek you out since your reputation will be spread by your satisfied customers.
Simple qualities requiring no advanced degrees or extra study to acquire, just a choice to be a Winner and doing what it takes to insure your status in the world of B2B Sales. Are you a B2B Sales Winner? If not, you can be if you choose to do the things necessary to win.

Voss Graham

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