One of the toughest jobs for a sales person is to remain positive in your attitude. Especially today with all the talk about recession and down turns it is easy to get caught up in the negative talk.
Well, get tough and get going to the positive side of things. Remaining positive gives you the self-confidence to stay in the hunt for new deals, new accounts and recognizing new opportunities when others only see hard work.
So here are five steps or changes to your lifestyle designed to give you the extra advantage of a positive attitude.
Five Steps to a Positive Attitude
- Start Every Day on a Positive Note – Here you want to read or listen to positive motivating messages. Find a favorite motivational speaker and listen to a CD or read one of their uplifting books to start your day on the bright side. Or just read a positive affirmation or two out loud to kick start your day.
- Avoid the News – Since the newspaper and the news channels – including radio – are all looking for bad news to draw viewers and listeners – yes, this is their strategy to get people to watch or listen or read their news! Avoid the negative news to stay clear of the dark side of life. Be selective and choose the material that improves your mindset rather than dumps on it.
- Avoid Negative and Gossip Spreading People – Staying away from these people allows you to think for yourself and refuse to be influenced by negativity from people who enjoy tearing down others. If you must listen to gossip resist spreading it to others you know for 21 days. By then, it will be either old news or will have been proven wrong.
- Create a Victory List – Yes, write down the good things you have done each day. Keep this diary in a drawer close by for two reasons – one, you want to add to it every day listing the good things you did or accomplished during the day, and two, you will want to refer to it whenever things are going bad and your confidence is low. Reading your Victory list of things done well and will positive results and outcomes, will have an energizing effect upon your attitude. Keep up the good work and write it down today.
- See the Good in People – Develop an attitude of gratitude and graciousness toward everyone you meet. How you treat others will have a direct bearing on how they treat you. Eliminate the need to criticize others -particularly when the person is not present – and actively look for ways to praise or compliment three to five people every day. Looking for the good in people will allow you to be respected by others who will enjoy being around you – including buyers.
When you want to become a Sales Superstar in your industry, being seen as a positive person has its advantages and is the starting point of moving into these ranks. Personally, I have never a totally negative superstar. I do know some superstars who started slow in this category of being positive as often as possible. They breakout moment came when they decided to be a positive attitude type of person. Then they were able to regulate and discipline their own behavior to become a Positive Attitude Person.
Sales and your attitude go hand in hand. Since it is one the base seven ingredients of sales success – start working on this important attitude skill today.

Voss Graham

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