BS Reasons Buyers Use to Stall the B2B Sale

Occasionally, I get into discussions with b2b sales people regarding possible stalls tactics used by buyers and decision makers. Now the reality is sometimes these tactics are just part of their unique buying process. However, most of the time these tactics are at best stalling tactics to chase the b2b sales person away.

So here are the eight major offenders used by buyers and decision makers to stall your sales process.

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Is Your Experience Getting in the Way of B2B Sales Success?

Last week I ran across some older research about the impact of experience on our b2b sales performance. While it covered positive elements, it also showed me some interesting points about how it negatively impacts a b2b sales person’s performance.

The negative element was directed at our ability to ask the right types of questions in our sales process. And, you know I’m a big proponent of the role the Questioning Model has upon our overall success.

As I referred the information, I realized I was somewhat guilty of this research activity! Geez! As I reflected on the topic, I realized it was a subject that I needed to share with all my Developing B2B Sales readers. So here we go…

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8 Ways to Engage Your Buyers for B2B Sales

Got into a discussion with a couple of sales people the other day and they kept raising the issue of how do we keep the buyers and decision makers engaged in the b2b sales process with so many distractions and competing priorities.

Well, these comments and questions got a huge amount of air time, so I felt it would be a good thing to share some the ideas with you today.

So, here are 8 ways to engage your buyers during the b2b sales process…

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Slow Down to Go Fast!

Okay, I know some of you are thinking I have lost my mind in the fast paced world we currently live in. Yet, it is true. In many cases, we need to slow down to go fast in a given b2b sales process.

I was first told of this statement by a creative thinker type, who used this term as an example to his clients. In fact, he drew from examples on several fronts – including manufacturing processes. One story sticks in my mind since my wife loves the product.

Seems the maker of the original Tater Tots purchased some new equipment to produce more product in less time. The engineers sped up the production process and created a huge increase in production of Tater Tots.

The only problem was the faster the production line, the less product was being purchased by the consumers! So, market research was done to learn the reason for the decline in sales. Well, seems the new machinery was turning the insides of the Tater Tots into mashed potatoes with no texture.

So, after much arm twisting, the engineers slowed down the machinery and the texture improved. Most importantly, sales increased again and everybody was happy.

Now, that story had a happy ending, yet, most of time the people who continue to just go faster and faster have no clue about what they are creating for themselves in the form of preventable problems.

Here are a few examples…

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Big Mistake Talking about Your Company

When you are working to get that all important first meeting with a prospect and you have done a good job of getting a prospect on the phone and have used a pretty good value statement or curiosity making statement – are you ready for the next step? You know, the next step where the prospect says…

Tell Me More!

Now the moment of truth arrives. You will choose the next course of action by the respond to this little question with the huge impact. That’s right – huge impact. You will either lose the prospect completely or open the door for the next meeting. It’s your choice.

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What is the Difference between B2B and B2C Selling?

Since this is a B2B Sales site, several people have asked…

What is the difference between B2B and B2C?

In the world of selling the difference between B2B sales and B2C Sales are very different.

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Be Frank in Your Discussions about Tough Issues

One of the issues with new b2b sales people is the lack of frank or candid dialogue with a prospect or customer. Now understand I’m not saying you should be combative or defensive in your talks with prospects or customers – what I am saying is you must get to the meat of touchy issues or potential problems or setbacks.

Too often I see b2b sales people attempting to be politically correct or something – it just frustrates me when I witness it.

Look the Sales Superstars don’t dance around tough topics, they attack them head on and direct. Let me clarify something here – you can be direct about a topic and be wise regarding how you say it. Being direct and rude does not get you a victory in this game – you will lose your credibility and rapport.

Looks like we are back to the rapport, trust and credibility thing again. Building rapport is all about building trust which when used with experience and expertise leads directly to credibility. You must take the time to develop these soft skill issues before charging head long into a touchy or difficult subject.

So assuming you have build rapport, trust and credibility, you are now ready to deal with any other issues you have learned about through your questioning skills. So what are some of these tough or difficult topics?

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Four Areas for B2B Sales Creativity

For years we have taught sales people and particularly b2b sales people that creativity is your personal competitive advantage. When you use creativity correctly you win more sales and accounts.

In my opinion there are four areas where your creativity is a necessary part of the sales process. The need for creative application in these four areas is critical to your b2b sales success.

So let’s look at these four areas whereby you will need to apply your best creativity…

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General or Specific Questions?

Since questions and the questioning model are so critical to your b2b sales success, I want to cover the importance and difference between general and specific questions. There is a direct relationship between general and specific questions usage in the b2b sales process.

First, as a reminder, why are you using questions in the b2b sales process?

Because using questions engage the buyer and involve them in creating a solution for their issues and concerns. Questions are used to gain the prospects interest and attention to solving a problem – their problem and the associated pain of their problem.

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