Since my goals with my clients is to get them to think about things differently, I believe it is time for a new segment for my b2b sales readers. Tidbits for Thoughts is designed to get you to think about certain things and to ask the questions – “Do I use this currently? Have I done this lately? Should I do it to become more successful? What else do I need to know about this? And How can I learn more about…?”
So here are few things to think about or Voss’s Tidbits for Thought
- Do you have a Referral System?
- Are you using a Referral System every week?
- Do you read a business book each quarter?
- What was the name of the last business book you read?
- When did you read it and what was the copyright date of the book?
- Do you understand the Questioning Model for Sales Success?
- Have you taken the time to write down a series of consequence expanding questions for related business problems?
- If you don’t understand the previous question – get a new sales book and look for the questioning model section.
- Do you plan each week – the weekend before?
- Is your list written or in your head? Written is much more effective.
- Are you using call plans for each customer encounter?
- Are you measuring ROI on successful customer purchases?
There you have the first TIDBITS for THOUGHT list of comments and questions to ponder – always relating to your persona sales success. Happy thoughts!
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Voss Graham
Sr Business Advisor / CEO at InnerActive Consulting Group Inc
Your Knowledgeable Partner for Business Success and Achievement. Dedicated to helping others get to their next level of success. Award winning business advisor; coach to executives and business owners; Business Growth Strategist; and experienced using assessments for hiring & selection, evaluation of teams and improving communication. Voss is available as a Speaker for your conferences or company meetings contact him at 901-757-4434 or use the LinkedIn or Facebook direct messages.

Latest posts by Voss Graham (see all)
- Help Me Target my Content for You – March 22, 2016
- Six Steps to Seven Figures – January 3, 2016
- Play a Bigger Game in 2016 – December 29, 2015
- Improve Your Success Using Clear Communication – September 14, 2015
- Seven Keys When Handling Objections – July 12, 2015