I am asked multiple times a week, How Can I Grow My Sales?
This questions hangs with every sales person I speak to and to my surprise very few get the best answer to question.
Developing Your B2B Sales Skills
Unique Skills for Business to Business Selling
I am asked multiple times a week, How Can I Grow My Sales?
This questions hangs with every sales person I speak to and to my surprise very few get the best answer to question.
I have shared this personal productivity tip with several of my sales coaching clients with good results regarding time management and productivity increases.
Here is the issue: Most sales people do not like to follow up with emails or prefer to be talking to people rather than writing an email about a routine topic.
In the world of B2B sales you will find yourself selling to a group, team or committee rather than a single buyer. This is the true meaning on complex selling. Why is it complex? Because you are dealing with a number of people – each possessing their own personal agenda regarding the buying decision.
So here are sales tips that will get you a higher probability to increase sales in your territory. It is the key to selling to large or mid-size corporate structures.
It is time to look back at the last years results and measure your progress. While this may seem unimportant or needless detail to some, they smart ones know the value of reviewing their results. Then using the information as a guide for setting goals and objectives for the new year.
Here is a list of things to review regarding your results from last year…