Practice to be a Sales Professional

It continues to amaze me how often sales people claim they want to be or are sales professionals. Then I mention “role play” and they have 1001 things to do, don’t have the time, or find it is not reality.

The truth is most sales people would prefer to go to the field of play – the customer or prospect’s office – than to practice their sales skills or sales techniques. Their approach is to “wing it” so they can flow with the customer or prospect. That planning a sales call takes too much time and is meaningless.

The reality that I find most common is these same people are the worst sales people.

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B2B Sales Tip: Using Gain Interest Statements

Today’s b2b sales tip is about using gain interest statements with your customers. First, what is a gain interest statement? Here is a same gain interest statement… I believe we should continue our discussions because we’ve been able to help a number of companies reduce their production costs and improve supply chain effectiveness. This statement … Read more…

16 Ways a Customer Shows Interest in You

Several sales people have been asking me how do I know when a customer is interested in my presentation, offer, or solution. Since this seems to be a common question, I thought I would give you a list of possible signs that customer or prospect is interested in what you have to offer.

The most important thing to remember is interest is a reflection of action commitments the customer makes or takes. In fact, these signs are all about what a prospect or customer does and not things you can do. You goal during each call is to get a action oriented next step “on the part of the customer” – you actions do not count.

Here is a list of 16 action steps a customer or prospect can take to move the sales process forward…

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How to Become a Consultative Sales Person

Several people have asked me about the difference between a traditional sales person and a consultative sales person. The difference is easy to recognize, so you must decide which one you are and then chose to be different – if you want to be successful in b2b sales. And then learn how to become a consultative sale person.

First, the traditional sales person has certain traits like looking around a prospect’s office for something to talk about (rapport building?), asking a few targeted questions looking for a problem, offering a solution at the first mention of a problem and going for the sale immediately using 101 ways to close the sale. The traditional approach is short term and is all about making a sale. Presentation skills and closing skills are the important competencies for the traditional sales person.

Now, the key to your future is contained in becoming effective as a consultative sales person. So how do you become a consultative sales person? Simple, not easy, but it is simple. Here you go…

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B2B Sales Tip: Use “Because” to Gain Interest

Today’s B2B Sales tip of the week: Use the word “Because” to gain customer interest. Now what am I talking about, good question – because you are learning how this word works right now. Okay, you want to influence your customer or prospect in a positive way. So you are making a statement regarding something … Read more…

Four Commitments for Sales People to Make

So you want to be successful as a B2B Sales, first you must make four commitments to sales. In this day and age, your mindset has a lot to do with your ultimate level of success. I can say that your mental edge has a foundation in your four commitments to sales success. So what are these four commitments, here they are…

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Change is Everything in B2B Sales

Once I realized that everything I do as a B2B Sales guy is to facilitate change, my sales success accelerated. If I didn’t master the art of change, I would have a difficult time becoming successful in the world of selling. Here is what you must understand as a sales person – Change is Everything.

When I have mentioned this topic to some of my sales clients, I get all kinds of responses – from agreeing openly to rolling their eyes in disbelief to getting a quizzical look on their face. It is not a topic that has been discussed often in sales training or by their sales managers. Yet, why not? Okay, for you doubting Thomas’ out there – read on and you will learn the everything you do in selling is linked to change.

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Lead Generation in B2B Sales

One of the most common questions that I get from sales people is…

What is the best method for sales lead generation?

This is an interesting question because there are numerous answers available that depend upon what you sell and who you sell to as a group. Now, I know that is not the answer most of you want, but it is the truth.

So here are a few of the more common answers to this question.

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Relationships Win More Often

Recently I have the opportunity to discuss sales strategies with sales stars from all over the globe. The interesting thing that kept jumping out during the discussions was the importance of building strong relationships with customers and prospects. And, the higher the level the person in the relationship the better the business opportunities.

Here’s the facts, more business comes to sales people who have developed strong relationships with decision makers or important decision influencers. Too often, a sales person makes numerous calls on lower level personnel, get beat up with requests and price cuts, only to lose the business to a higher priced competitor who has a relationship built with a decision maker.

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