Confirm Understanding of Degree of Customer Problem

One of the most interesting things I find when working with sales professionals is the lack of any confirmation of the degree of a customer problem. Or, in some cases that the customer even sees a situation as a problem. Therefore, it is very important for B2B sales people to confirm an understanding of the degree of a customer’s problem.

Here is the fact, if the customer does not see an issue as a problem, then there is really no good reason to take action on the issue. Customers and prospects have too many other things to deal with on a daily basis, therefore, if they don’t see a problem – no reason to fix it now.

The issue is two fold…

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Trade Information for Credibility

One sales technique that is very success for building credibility with your prospects and customers is to trade information. When coaching sales people about this topic I always get the same question… What information do I trade?

There are four types of information that you can trade with prospects or customer. They are…

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Explain What Success Looks Like to the Prospect

One of the most overlooked sales tips is for the sales person to explain what success looks like to the prospect. This is a very simple task. Yet, it commonly overlooked by most sales people while actually being one of the most successful sales techniques you can use. So how does this work? Again, it … Read more…

What Does “I’ll Think it Over” Really Mean?

Often I am asked by my sales clients about the phrase, “I’ll Think it Over.” And, what does it really mean? Actually, there are numerous meaning to this simple term and you need to be aware of these. If you are not aware of the multiple meanings, assumptions are made. Usually, assumptions lead to inappropriate responses from the sales people involved. So here are sales tips when statements are made.

So what does “I’ll Think it Over” really mean…

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Expect Minimal Interest from Prospects

A large number of sales people have difficulty understanding that prospects will have minimal interest in them, what they are offering or the company they represent. Now this is really hard for some high ego sales people, who quite frankly feel the world needs to revolve around them! Do you know someone like this?

The reality is…You Should Expect Minimal Interest from Prospects.

Here are the reasons you need to expect minimal interest from a prospect:

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Magic Wand Technique is, well, Magical

Need to learn how a customer or prospect really feels about any part of their business? Have you tried the “Magic Wand Technique?” It has a Magical outcome – the customer or prospect provides you with valuable information about their current situation.

The Magic Wand Technique has been around for years, yet, it appears to be forgotten by most sales people and it is a winning technique to get valuable information. Here’s how it works…

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3 Fatal Flaws of B2B Selling

Through the years of working with sales people from many different industries and all levels of performance, I have found three fatal flaws for sales failure. While these are primary observations of B2B Selling professionals, you could probably find these same three in other forms of selling.

So let’s review the list of the top three fatal flaws of B2B selling:

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B2B Sales Success depends on the Advance

After working with sales people, I learned sales people do not always know what is truly important to monitor. Now I know a loaded statement when I see one and the above statement may be loaded. However, it is also very true. Most sales people are missing an important element to every sales call they make.

Now, before moving on I need to clarify a very assumptions. First, I’m talking about business to business selling which over 95% of successful sales opportunities require multiple calls. This is not a single call and get an answer sales environment. Second, each sales call needs an outcome to monitor the success rate of the sales process. And, finally, some preparation and thought is required for the multiple call process to work. Winging it is not an option in b2b sales.

So what is an sales ADVANCE?

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Be the Low Risk Provider in B2B Sales

Being the low risk provider is the key to successful B2B sales. Please do not confuse low risk with low cost as these are light years apart. Too often the sales people I coach want to go to the dark side of sales – being the low cost provider.

Being the low cost provider is an unhealthy position for most sales people because the customer will find another sales person who will sell for a lower price than you offered. And, when selling strictly on price – low bid wins.

However, being the low RISK provider is an entirely different sales strategy. In fact, you could be the highest priced sales person and win – if the buyer sees you as the real low risk provider.

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Buying Lunch is No Longer a Sales Strategy

You would believe that buying lunch for a buyer or decision maker is some type of unique or sure-fire sales strategy based upon the volume of this practice. However, here’s a message for those that actually want to be successful in the sales profession.

“Learn How to be Known as a Problem Solver for Customers!”

The key thing you can choose to learn, is how do I solve customer problems that keep them up at night? Customers are looking for sales people or anyone that can solve their problems – quickly. So how do you become the top of mind problem-solver?

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