Here is a topic most b2b sales people seem to ignore. It seems to me it is a topic they don’t understand for the most part.
Yet, your actual sales results plus your ability to successfully change to meet the new world “norms” requires an understanding of the impact of Your Mindset upon your results.
For most people this is a subject that appears to be complex and time consuming to fully understand. Then there is the issue of
“okay, I believe mindset is important, but I don’t know how to use it effectively, develop it or change it for increased b2b sales success.”
And, truthfully I was in this school of thought for years. I knew it was important since most of the self-help books in the late 90’s and the decade of 2000’s talked about self-limiting beliefs being the major blocker to success.
My business partner is one of the pioneers in the ability to change self-limiting beliefs. These amazing little success blockers hide out in our subconscious mind, yet, are running the equivalent of high powered software programs for the brain. I refer to them as the old tapes (opps! aging myself again ? ) or scripts which heavily influence what we do.
The great thing is these old scripts – which in many cases were helpful in their original context – can limit or effectively stop us from performing basic steps for success in b2b sales. A great example of an old script having a very negative impact upon a sales person is…
“Don’t talk to Strangers.”
Well meaning phrase when we were kids, however, if you are a sales person then you have a major negative blocker to aggressively going out to meet prospects – a.k.a. Strangers.
Here is the great thing to know – you can stop these self limiting blockers in their tracks if you want to have unlimited opportunities for b2b sales success.
So, unless you are extremely lucky and no one placed limiting scripts, ideas or suggestions to you during your formative years, then there is a solution to change or actually to reprogram your mind with winning mindsets and new scripts to run for success.
I feel a couple of disbelievers in the audience – actually I was in this group originally – so you want more proof as to the value of this new idea. First, let me ask you one serious question…
“Are you having a Banner year, setting new sales revenue and profitability marks this year? If not, then you may have a mindset blocking your path.”
There are b2b sales people in every industry who are setting new performance standards for themselves and their companies. How are they doing this during a “down cycle in the economy?”
It is simple, they are choosing a different pathway to travel. The thundering herd of doubters and victims have no clue how these people are succeeding during these so called economic conditions.
Welcome to the world of mindset.
I for one still remember a sales team I was honored to work with during the 1990’s. This entire sales team were masters of the short term selling model. You know – activity based calling on buyers and attempting to generate a sale of any size. Plus, there were RFP’s every week and the game was to bring a promotion product or special with you on every call.
This sales team was invested in the traditional sales model and were, let’s say, pessimistic about any new model of selling. In other words, their mindset was fixed on the old model. Yet, the owner had a strong vision about how and what the sales team needed to sell and they needed a new model for it to work properly.
After the training – using the questioning model for b2b sales – to say their mindset was skeptical at best. However, one of the sales people decided it could work, so he began to use it in his territory. He landed three new ACCOUNTS within the first two months which totally changed the game and built a new standard regarding success.
The old standard was the average size of yearly purchases per account was about $7.5K and he brought in three new accounts with an average of $2.4 Million.
It did not take long for the majority of the team to have sudden shifts in believability in the new sales system. And, within six months over 70% of the sales team joined the b2b sales success parade.
This is a story about one person changing a mindset and creating new standards of b2b sales performance. There were a couple of sales people who could not make the mindset shift and choose to leave the company. Interestingly however is the new people hired to replace them were successful within the first three months because the expectations were set at a higher level than in the past.
If you are still have doubting thoughts, no problem. I would encourage you to learn more about how your mindset impacts your success. So, go learn about how a winning mindset impacts sales. Then you will want to contact Robin at InnerActive Consulting using either the contact form on this site or just calling her at 901-757-4434. She is always looking to help others succeed in life and she will help you too.

Voss Graham

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