Why Do We Have Competition?

The Four Factors Creating Competition

I keep getting this question from sales people I work with in coaching and training sessions… Why do we have competition?

At first I thought it was a question looking for excuses regarding dealing with competition, however, as I got the question more often and from all levels of sales performers – I figured I needed to find the answer to this question. I found four primary reasons that competition exists, so here are the results of my research…

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Key Organizing Principles for B2B Sales

In the world of B2B Sales there are two important principles – what I call Organizing Principles – you must be aware of to move into the superstar ranks of sales people.

First, what are Organizing Principles and why are they important?

Here is what Wikipedia says about Organizing Principles…

An organizing principle is a core assumption from which everything else by proximity can derive a classification or a value. It is like a central reference point that allows all other objects to be located. Having an organizing principle might help one simplify and get a handle on a particularly complicated domain. On the other hand, it might create a deceptive prism that colors one’s judgment.

In my world of b2b sales, organizing principles are the systems or measurement of systems creating a known return on my selling activities. In other words, it is the ability to hold myself accountable for the results and outcomes expected in my job. Interesting, that read like a management consultant report – sorry about that!

In simple terms, organizing principles give us a measurement showing our effectiveness in the field. Depending upon the trend line of this data, it tells us if we are doing well or need to improve our production.

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Use the Farmer Concept to Win B2B Sales

Now I know some of your are thinking – I’m not a Farmer, I’m a Hunter – so this will not work for me. So stop right there and realize a hunter can use different strategies to hunt. Some work better than others. This is an example of what works best – even or especially for hunters.

So let’s start by looking at the process used by a farmer to create a new crop to sell. There are five primary steps to the farmers process or concept. These are…

  1. Cultivates
  2. Plants Seeds
  3. Fertilizes
  4. Protects
  5. Harvest

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How to Sell a Buyer – Levels of Buying

Today I want to share some valuable information to assist you in determining how to sell any buyer you are dealing with now.

I have been asked by sales people – how do I know if traditional selling, relationship selling or consultative selling is the right method to use? Great question with a simple – not easy – answer.

First, the best way to determine the best method is to determine what the buyer knows about what you are selling. You want to determine the level of knowledge and working experience a buyer has for your product or service. How often have they purchased this type of product or service in the past? In other words, what is their experience factor with your product or service?

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Word Usage Killing Your Sales?

Three Steps to Using Words for B2B Sales Success

I’m a big believer in using the correct words in any situation, yet, the sales situation demands better usage of words. When doing seminars or coaching sales people one thing is common. Most sales people do not choose the right words during the sales interviews.

You have to make a choice regarding your communication standards – and I assume you want to be effective in your sales communications with influencers and decision makers. If not, stop reading now and keep scratching your head wondering why people are not buying anything from you.

Okay, passive aggressive a side, you really need to think about your word usage.

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Trade Show Tips for B2B Sales People

Occasionally I get a question or requests from a B2B sales person asking for tips for manning the trade booth at expos and trade association conferences.

First a couple of turn off behaviors:

  • Attacking or Pouncing on an attendee in the walkway
  • Yelling or Hawking your product or service like a TV or Cable ad pitchman
  • Sitting in the back of the booth and doing nothing to interact with a possible customer or prospect
  • Putting a table between the booth and the walkway – forcing the attendee to remain outside your space
  • Looking bored or disinterested in interacting with anyone

There are probably some others, however, I want to get to the good stuff. The tips to improve your trade show success. So here are the eight positive ways to influence your trade show success…

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What Does “I’ll Think it Over” Really Mean?

Often I am asked by my sales clients about the phrase, “I’ll Think it Over.” And, what does it really mean? Actually, there are numerous meaning to this simple term and you need to be aware of these. If you are not aware of the multiple meanings, assumptions are made. Usually, assumptions lead to inappropriate responses from the sales people involved. So here are sales tips when statements are made.

So what does “I’ll Think it Over” really mean…

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B2B Sales Tip: Using Gain Interest Statements

Today’s b2b sales tip is about using gain interest statements with your customers. First, what is a gain interest statement? Here is a same gain interest statement… I believe we should continue our discussions because we’ve been able to help a number of companies reduce their production costs and improve supply chain effectiveness. This statement … Read more…