Got to thinking about the role of emotion in our b2b sales world. Interestingly, emotion can be helping us win accounts or it can be driving a wedge between us and the decision makers. This is the classic case of a dilemma.
Okay, so we all know that all decisions are 100% emotional and we need to engage the emotional side of the decision makers brain. That is correct and this is an example of the positive side of using emotions in the b2b sales process.
So how can emotion be a problem for our b2b sales success?
Simply when we get too emotional in our sales process.
There are several ways this occurs, so let me review the negative side of emotion relative to our sales success. Here are several destructive ways emotions hinder our success…
- We “HAVE TO” Win
The King of emotional situations as you “feel” the only good thing is to win at all costs. Usually this attitude creates either a feeling of desperation to close the deal. Thus, in most cases the sales person says “yes:” to everything the customer wants – even if it cannot be delivered. This is a big problem for sales people. - Reaction rather than Response
The difference between reaction and response is the level of thought provided to the solution. Reaction is more of a knee jerk action to gain a quick resolution or a totally emotional action. A response takes an objective look at the situation to ensure compliance and compatibility with the solution. - Telling the Customer
Here the most common mistake made by sales people. When an emotional moment occurs and the sales person begins to “tell” the customer how things are, going to be, or have been in the past. This, unfortunately is a unilateral assessment of a situation – the sales person’s point of view – and may have no validity with the facts of the situation. - Making the Process Personal
Whenever a business situation becomes personal, it is game over for objective dialogue. The emotional reaction is going to kick in to any conversation – turning it into a one sided discussion whereby the sales person creates a different kind of problem – one that is difficult to recover from if the discussion escalates with emotional energy. Your goal is to remember all business dialogues are – just business. You will use the personal emotion of situations to connect with your customer but not to control or manipulate the customer. - Ignoring the Decision Maker Position
This one is somewhat unique, yet, seems to be in play more often than necessary. This is basically about ignoring the experiences or successes of the decision maker when meeting with them. If you possess a level of mutual respect for the customer, then you will take a moment to honor what they have created rather than taking an approach of pointing out all the mistakes you see! Remember who you are speaking with at all times and honor their achievements as much you honor your achievements as a b2b sales person.
These are only a few of the ways a b2b sales person can derail their own efforts due to emotional influences upon themselves.
The best method is to take a detached point of view whereby you are disassociated from the sales process or transaction. This method ensures an objective attitude about the progression of the sales process. It even allows you to walk away from accounts that you truly cannot help – the mismatches relative to what you offer and what the customer actually needs.
Use emotion in your sales efforts correctly – such as a self motivator; as a connection to issues someone may have in a customer situation; and in helping the decision maker commit with the emotional choice using the objective information for justification – and you will succeed more often than not.

Voss Graham

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