After writing about the three primary representational systems, it is time to give you a list of the words using by the different systems.
This is Part Two of a Three Part Series on words using by a visual, an auditory, and a kinesthetic.
The key is to ask a general question and then listen to the response identifying the word usage patterns. Here are two general questions to use for this purpose in B2B Sales…
1. “Describe to me…”
2. “What would you change about…”
Fill in the blank in each question using your specific industry issues for a complete question.
Here are the Words for the Auditory Language…
A Word List of Auditory Language
Amplify | Announce | Articulate |
Ask | Audible | Blabbermouth |
Boisterous | Call | Clear as a Bell |
Clearly expressed | Comment on | Communicate |
Describe in detail | Discuss | Dissonant |
Divulge | Earful | Earshot |
Enunciate | Exclaim | Express yourself |
Give an Account of | Give me your ear | Gossip |
Grant an audience | Hear | Heard voices |
Hidden message | Hold your tongue | Hush |
Idle Talk | Inform | Inquire |
Interview | Invite | Keynote speaker |
Listen | Loud | Loud and clear |
Manner of speaking | Mention | Mutter |
Noise | Oral | Outspoken |
Overhear | Pay attention to | Power of speech |
Proclaim | Pronounce | Purrs like a Kitten |
Quite | Quoted | Rap session |
Remark | Report | Rings a bell |
Roar | Rumor | Say |
Scream | Screech | Shout |
Shrill | Silence | Sound |
Speak | Speechless | Squeal |
State | Suggest | Talk |
Tattletale | Tell | To tell the truth |
Tone | Tongue-tried | Tune |
Tuned in (or out) | Unheard of | Utter |
Utterly | Vocal | Voice |
Voice an Opinion | Well-informed | Within hearing range |
Word-for-word | Whistling a tune |
This is list is designed to assist you in understanding or recognizing visual words in your customer’s language. This list is a starting point as the total auditory words create another dictionary sized post.
Again, the key is to ask the questions necessary to get the customer talking and then you listening intently for the type of words used.

Voss Graham

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